Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Technologys Effect on the Future Essay -- essays research papers
I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds the future. Days go by and how time flies, seasons always changing. When we contemplate the future we envision mind-warping technology and global warming destroying the Earth. Change is inevitable but it's up to our supremacy what we and our planet Earth change into. Will we help or hinder our future survival? One sentence from America's Declaration of Independence has some relevance to this matter. 'But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security'. In other words if something is wrong, those that have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action. Technology! Yes, it has its positives, but like all other things is also has its negatives. Would we really need hover cars? They would still congest ?air space?. What would be the benefits of splitting the atom more that once (What was the point of splitting it anyway)? Or will ?Little Boy? the World War Two atomic bomb containing Uranium be resurrected from the Japanese city of Hiroshima and be upgraded to wipe out the brain stems of individuals whose unique brain patterns have been programmed into the device? For years technology has been cultivated. Powerful and ingenious it maybe, but in our hands this technology has been used for demoralizing war! If we carry on using these technological advancements for the use of hostilities on Earth (or maybe in space) then both parties will use their own weapons and both will be crushed, ground into tiny pieces and blasted into oblivion. As the saying goes... ... and video. Molecular teleportation is a long way away. One of the most talked about subjects on the future is climate. At this very moment the Earth is warming up and we are the cause. The warming of the Earth is known more commonly as global warming. Maybe this subject is going to be fought over for centuries while we squander the time we have left away, but even if we did stop doing the things that cause global warming it will not bring it to a standstill. The main cause is pollution, and although scientists say that crude oil will be a thing of the past, alternatives to it will be created. Whether you consider the future to be one hundred years away or just a second the conception of the future is always the same. There are numerous views on the future but each one says the identical thing. I don?t know what the future holds but I know who holds the future.
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